Sunday, August 29, 2010


Driving across Europe with Jim and LuAnn, Bavaria (Southern Germany) is exquisite. I don't know how they manage to keep the quaint features in a modern world. One hears bells on the cows while looking at old homes with windowboxes (this scene continues through Austria). This part of Germany is more hilly, preparing us for the Alps.

We visited Munich's Hofbrauhaus. Founded in 1589, the brewhouse follows the brewing laws of 1516, regulating the ingredients allowed in beer. The sight upon entering the "beerpalace" (which was built in 1897) is delightfully overwhelming. An oom-pah band plays in the corner. Women in traditional Bavarian dress carry around monstrous pretzels, and men in leiderhosen bring litres of beer and traditional wursts to tables filled with tourists. We snatch a table as others leave (including Olga, who is in her 70's obviously drunk, and who we later saw dancing with a leiderhosen-clad man) and are soon joined by a family of Spaniards. Occasionally, the guests break into song, and all we know how to do is thump our beers on the table and smile.

1 Litre was the only option!

1 comment:

  1. Fun! I was in the Hofbrauhaus almost 2 months ago! Enjoy the Alps--they're absolutely unreal!
